Not A Podcast Podcasts

Not A Podcast Episode 7: Just A Little Podcast

Banana Extract, By JD Hancock Photos, Via Flickr

“Banana Extract” by JD Hancock Photos, via Flickr, CC-BY-2.0

In the second in our (completely unplanned) Curmudgeon Series, Pete beats up on tiny, defenseless works of art.

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  1. Willard Wigan’s TED Talk
  2. Snopes Article
  3. Willard Wigan’s Website
  4. Fernan Federici’s Flickr
  5. Spectacular Microscopic Art Is Also World-Changing Science

Things We Like

Not A Podcast Podcasts

Not A Podcast Episode 6: Trading Idiots

Wall Art

Sean tells HGTV to git off his lawn. Or at least to stop trying to recreate a crappy version of Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe on it.

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  1. HGTV – House Hunters
  2. Trading Spaces
  3. British – Changing Rooms
  4. HGTV – The High Low Project
  5. Chuck Close: A Portrait In Progress
  6. Wine And Canvas

Things We Like

Not A Podcast Podcasts

Not A Podcast Episode 5: “Because God is Dead.”

Russian art gallery

 Pete and Sean go to the museum. The art is terrible.<br />
 "Why is the art terrible?" says Pete.<br />
 "Because it is a projection of our subconscious. Therefore, we are terrible," says Sean.<br />
 "Oh," says Pete.

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  1. Ladybird Books (Wikipedia)
  2. A Darkly Humorous Children’s Book That Pokes Fun At Modern Art
  3. Artist’s spoof Ladybird book provokes wrath of Penguin (
  4. We Go To The Gallery Kickstarter
  5. Miriam Elia
  6. Building Stories, not by Chip Kidd (nytimes)
  7. Google Art Project
  8. Judy Albright’s pastel paintings – On show all month.
  9. Anne Pasko – beginning in June with reception on June 6th.
Not A Podcast Podcasts

Not A Podcast Episode 4 Part 2: Bapbapbapbapbap

Bochum - Klinikstraße - Tierpark 06 ies

We ended up talking too much about talking, so Sean decides to speak as a penguin for the rest of the podcast. Also, you should hang out with artists and give them money.

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  1. New York Times Arts section
  2. The Portland Art Museum – free general admission on the fourth Friday of every month from 5-8 p.m.
  3. First Friday Artswalk at Steven Valenti’s Clothing For Men – Through April – Opening Reception, Friday, April 4th, 2014
Not A Podcast Podcasts

Not A Podcast Episode 4 Part 1: Erotically Verbose

Kryptos01 1, background removed

We answer the great artist debate over cheese and chalk; which tastes better? And use words to talk about language.

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  1. Painting in the Style of Old Masters: Sfumato and Chiaroscuro
  2. Cindy Sherman interview – Journal of Contemporary Art
  3. Disjecta Curator Talk
Not A Podcast Podcasts

Not A Podcast Episode 3: Suck It, Da Vinci

Reed–Solomon error correction Mona Lisa LroLrLasercomFig4

In which we may not know art, or even what we like. And we rekindle the public’s interest in the Mona Lisa. You’re welcome, Da Vinci.

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  1. Good Art Is Popular Because It’s Good. Right?
  2. Information about the theft of the Mona Lisa that Sean didn’t make up (Wikipedia)
  3. Huge Reproduction of Mona Lisa
  4. The Mona Lisa’s Twin Painting Discovered
  5. First Friday Artswalk at Steven Valenti’s Clothing For Men – Through April – Opening Reception, Friday, April 4th, 2014
Not A Podcast Podcasts

Not A Podcast Episode 2: Mondrian Cake

More Turner than hooch

John Ruskin thinks Turner’s been hitting the hooch, and Mondrian
moves a slice of cake two inches to the left.

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  1. ‘Radical’ Turner canvases to be shown together for first time (BBC)
  2. JMW Turner – Peace – Burial At Sea 1842 (
  3. Ralph Albert Blakelock (Wikipedia)
  4. Mondrian Cake Recipe
  5. First Friday Artswalk at Steven Valenti’s Clothing For Men – Through April – Opening Reception, Friday, April 4th, 2014
Not A Podcast Peter Russo Podcasts Sean McCusker

Not A Podcast Episode 1: ENTHUSIASM!

Fire at night


In which Pete talks about destroying art while Sean tries to sell him a smile.


  1. Frelinghuysen Morris House and Studio
  2. Artscape (Facebook)
  3. Ai Weiwei Vase Is Destroyed by Protester at Miami Museum (
  4. Miami artist destroys $1 million Ai Weiwei vase in protest (video,
  5. Somebody erases something
  6. Getting Things Done
  7. Going the extra mile: how enthusiasm can boost sales (
  8. Lichtenstein Center (Facebook)
  9. 40 Shades of Green (Berkshire Eagle)
  10. Resting Bitch Face (UD)
  11. Pete’s Work
  12. Sean’s Work
  13. First Friday Arts Walk
  14. Steven Valenti’s Clothing for Men FFA – April 4th, 2014


Sean McCusker
Sean McCusker
Peter Russo
Peter Russo